Ladies of Lourdes Women’s Ministry
Retreat Day: “Love Like Mary, Serve Like Martha”
Sunday, April 14: Mass at 10:15, followed by lunch and retreat until 3:30 p.m.
In Luke’s Gospel, chapter 10, we hear the story of Jesus and some of his disciples who came to dine at the home of sisters Martha and Mary. As a woman of her times, Martha was busy with all the details of hospitality while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus, eager to feast on His love and His words.
As women, most of us are often like Martha with an endless “to do” list. Are you a woman who juggles a job, children, carpooling, volunteer work? The Ladies of Lourdes Women’s Ministry invites YOU to set aside April 14 and experience some “Mary moments” with Jesus. We’ll have good food, time for sharing and time for quiet time with Our Lord. Please join us and please invite a friend or two or three. A donation of $5 is requested. RSVPs are appreciated by April 8 to help with our planning:
(920) 336-4033 or email to [email protected]