Confirmation 10/14/2023
Confirmation calls forth the fullness of the Holy Spirit to strengthen our relationship with Christ and the Church. This sacrament offers the opportunity to affirm one’s identity as a Catholic Christian.
Catholic students are prepared for Confirmation in their junior year of high school for the celebration in the fall of their senior year. Students are required to attend a pre-confirmation interview, all preparatory classes, attend enrollment Mass and sponsor meeting, perform church/community service, and the Confirmation Retreat.
Please contact Traci, Coordinator of Faith Formation, at [email protected].
Adult Confirmation classes will be offered throughout the Diocese during the Easter Season. For more information contact Deacon Mike at the Parish Office at (920) 336-4033 or at [email protected]. Preparation sessions use a framework of prayer, discipleship, and mission based on the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults (USCCA), Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC), and the Bible.