Cribbage Tournament!
The Men of Lourdes Group is putting on a cribbage tournament!
All men are invited and teenage boys are welcome, too.
Join in the fun on Thursday, February 15, in the Father Kratz Social Hall. There is a $5 entry fee per person with a round robin format. Registration 6:00 to 6:20 pm; games will end around 8:00 pm. Teams will be determined by the luck of the draw. This event is intended to be an opportunity for men of our parish or outside our parish to socialize and get to know one another. We invite men that are exceptionally good players, mediocre players and those who have very little knowledge of the game of cribbage. Refreshments will be served. Come enjoy a fun night of cards and don’t forget to bring a friend or 10. Any questions, please contact Deacon Mike at [email protected].